Current section: Commands 17 exercises

Setting Up Git Configuration for Commits

Before you can commit anything, you need to add some git configuration. Assuming you're not on a shared machine, you can add this globally.

You'll need to add a username and a user email address that you'd like to show up in your commits.

Use the config command with the --global flag to set yo

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00:00 Before we can commit anything, we need to add some git configuration. Assuming you're not on a shared machine, you can add this globally. Add a username that you'd like to show up in your commits. I'll use Michael Chan. As well as a user email address. I'll use hi at Chan dot dev.

00:17 We can see our config using the list flag. These are the two options that I provided alongside some system defaults. With a user and email, we're now ready to sign our commits.